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Friday 20 February 2015

Norway - Pig MRSA - Update

Now we wait to see. Have the Norwegians got pig MRSA trapped?

Can the slaughter policy work?

If it can, they have a pig MRSA eradication policy and a world class premium product.

The rest of Europe will have a success to copy and a source of 'clean pigs' to restock their own MRSA riddled herds.

As always read in full here.

Authorities order slaughter of 3,000 pigs
February 19, 2015

Norwegian food safety authorities have confirmed the presence of the dangerous bacteria staphylococcus on a large pig farm in Nord-Trøndelag. All 3,000 animals on the farm, which was not identified, must be slaughtered...

...The authorities were running tests on livestock at 16 other farms that had contact with the infected swine. Twelve of the farms are in Nord-Trøndelag, two are in Troms, one in Sør-Trondeland and one in Nordland.