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Tuesday 9 September 2014

Denmark - MRSA - Working with pigs not treatable.

Working with pigs has become an un-treatable disease.

That includes veterinarians working with pigs, something we have highlighted for quite some years now.

Mechanical translation from the Danish, which should be read in full here.

The authorities do not recommend treatment of MRSA-infected

People who work with pigs have to live with pigs bacterium MRSA if they continue to work in the barn.

A large portion of the approximately 9,000 people who fit Denmark more than 12 million slaughter pigs infected with the multidrug-resistant swine bacterium MRSA CC398.
But they are forced to live with the infection as long as they work in a barn with infected pigs. It writes Politiken Tuesday.

People who work with pigs, get rid of the bacteria undergoing a five-day disinfection with antibiotic ointment and chlorhexidine hydrochloride soap, but it provides according to the authorities does not make sense to put shed workers at the same cure...

...Board of Health states in their recommendations to physicians that "people who have daily or regular contact with pigs, the only undergo treatment to remove bacteria, if they stop getting in the stables." It is according to the newspaper in 'Guidance on preventing the spread of MRSA' .

At 3F, which organizes employees at the country's pig farms, Lars Mark Jensen, group leader in Aalborg, furious on behalf of its members...

...He knows of at least 10 employees who have chosen to resign because of MRSA.,,

...Employees' families and associates must also live with the risk of becoming infected with the bacterium that not only contagious from pigs to humans, but also from person to person...