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Tuesday 29 October 2013

Defra Chief Vet"risked bringing the veterinary profession into disrepute." BBC

Something has to give, either the all-powerful British vetocracy or Defra's, Britain's deceitful agricultural ministry and it's in-house veterinarians.

The vetocracy, that's the self-regulating veterinary elite, are clearly worried about Defra and the pressing need for genuine reform.

They know that if they do not force reform, it will be forced upon them all.

The badger cull is just another issue that Defra, and it's predecessor MAFF, have screwed up and by no means the most important. Re-branding the ministry has failed to stop a long series of disasters and cover-ups.

The human health issues arising on a much wider front from sick livestock are the more serious risk to veterinary self-regulation and the future of veterinarians in Britain. A life without prestige, self-congratulation, patronage, easy money and endless gongs looks bleak indeed to their leaders.

It is very telling that it takes the BBC to break this story nationally. There is nothing in Britain's farming media yet, and what will appear will doubtless be behind password protection, watered down and vet friendly.

The trade media are in the pocket of the veterinarians and drug sales advertising. They would not survive if they criticised British veterinarians: they would get no inside tip-offs, no news and no advertising.

BBC report here. As always read in full

28 October 2013 Last updated at 01:23

Advice on badger cull extension challenged

England's chief vet has rejected accusations his advice to ministers
on the badger cull risked bringing the veterinary profession into

In official advice, Nigel Gibbens said extending the culling period
would help to achieve the earliest and greatest possible impact on
bovine TB.

But vets have questioned the grounds for the extension, saying it
risked spreading TB to badgers and cattle...