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Wednesday 5 June 2013

India - Pigs - Double outbreak - Classical Swine Fever and PRRS

An interesting report from India mirroring the situation in Britain in 2000.

We now know that Classical Swine Fever (CSF )was not the only virus circulating at the same time, just as is the case in Mizoram today. CSF took the headlines, but other diseases were present.

Porcine Circovirus was certainly present in 2000, probably PRRS too, and also Foot and Mouth (FMD) if the frequent reports, of it being in Britain much earlier than officially reported. are to be believed.

At the time, we did not believe those reports of FMD being in Britain in 2000 and before the disastrous epidemic in 2001. We do now.

The pigs in Britain were sick from multiple diseases in 2000: they are still sick and under producing.

Mizon News Report here

Classical Swine Fever in Mizoram carries PRRS

By MIZONEWS.NET     |     June 5, 2013     |
Aizawl (Mizonews.Net): The Classical Swine Fever spreading in Mizoram in March and April this year was accompanied by Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS).

According to AH & Vety Department sources the blood sample sent to ICAR Research Complex in Barapani and Selesih College of Veterinary Science proved that Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome was also seen in the blood samples.

The department also said the virus Artery-virus was first diagnosed in USA in 1987 and it spread later to South Asian countries including Myanmar.

The department also informed the people that ban on import of pigs and piglets from Myanmar will be necessary for prevention of spread of the disease.