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Friday 5 April 2013

New Livestock Antibiotics Reduction Campaign in Britain

A new campaign to limit antibiotics, and similar medication, use in livestock in Britain, is now under way.

But the problem is only part solved. Getting the veterinary establishment to actually do something constructive about the massive quantities of antibiotics poured into sick livestock in Britain is quite another matter.

Britain's corrupt government veterinarians will soon take effective charge of any campaign; dragging their feet, blaming foreigners and running a "trust your vet" campaign with farmers' and taxpayers' money.

Antibiotic resistance will continue to spread from livestock into the population, with farmers, meat workers and veterinarians and their families becoming some of the  earliest victims.

This is just PR foam to try to handle the gathering storm.

The last thirteen years has proved that you can't treat a public health disaster with slick public relations exercises run by discredited civil servants and their cronies.

The pigs are still sick.

The full Farmers Weekly news article is here. Be sure to read it all to make your own judgement.

Introducing the safe use of medicines campaign
Aly  Balsom
Friday 05 April 2013 06:20

Welcome to Farmers Weekly's Making Sense of Medicines campaign, supported by the Responsible Use of Medicines in Agriculture Alliance (RUMA) and the National Office of Animal Health (NOAH)...