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Thursday 7 June 2012

Foot and Mouth - taking the biscuit.

We have now seen every conceivable explanation for Britain's 2001 foot and mouth epidemic, except anything actually likely.

Seagulls, foxes, immigrants, imaginary illegally imported infected meat: the list was very creative and endless.

Anything, however implausible, was promoted by Britain's corrupt veterinarians, providing it was not live  infected animals, legally imported, and allowed into Britain under state veterinary control.

Maff-Defra's, Britain's agricultural ministry's looney but dangerous PR department, their veterinary groupies and cronies created some real gems, but this must take the biscuit - a rich tea biscuit naturally.

Tea, anyone?

Tea can still cause endless trouble and amusement across the Atlantic.

Current North American source here

"...In 2005, Wales residents were ordered to toss, not compost them, (tea bags) over fears they might have come into contact with meat, and thereby spread foot and mouth disease..."