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Monday 3 January 2011

Hepatitis E infections soar - Macau & Hong Kong

Of all the human illnesses likely to be pig associated, this is the one of which we can be most certain.

It may not be the most serious in size, but it is perhaps the one for which the evidence is the most compelling.

If the present trends continue, Britain will be exposed as a major hot spot. It looks not to be food associated, as elsewhere. That makes it special.

Britons generally overcook pork and knowingly eat less offal and that better cooked.

Pig contact or water look the likely culprits in the UK.

The current under-publicised investigations in the county of Cornwall are not veterinary led, but are "pig country" hospital financed. They have (despite po-poing from public health) already shown pretty clear evidence of a close association with pig farming. The hospital based experts noticed a link.

We can clearly see that the public health officials, from their mishandling of  E.Coli in petting zoos fiasco, are heavily influenced by “don’t mention pigs” pressure coming from vets.

Once the human health professionals stop relying on the vets for unbiased input, they start making progress.

The veterinarians have long being doing a terrible job in the UK and the human health people have long taken all the flak from the faults of a pompous self-serving veterinary sub-profession.

The vets are wrong. They are also massively outnumbered whatever their power, confidence, reputation and influence.

It’s a dam that has to break. It will break with the complete disgrace of the vets, even those innocent of doing more than standing by doing nothing.

Source here

Hepatitis E infections soar

03/01/2011 03:00:00

The Health Bureau has reported an increase in the number of Hepatitis E cases in Macau in 2010. During the year a total of 19 cases of people infected were reported, nine cases more than in 2009.

In 2008, there were only three cases. The health bureau warned residents to observe personal hygiene and food safety to prevent disease infection.

Meanwhile, on Thursday, the Hong Kong’s Centre for Food Safety also warned of a rise in cases of Hepatitis E in Hong Kong and appealed to citizens to cook food more thoroughly, particularly pig livers. It was said that the number of reported cases of Hepatitis E has been climbing since 1998 in Hong Kong.

“It’s more than 100 in 2010, the highest ever in the city,” said Ho Yuk-yin, doctor and consultant on Risk Assessment and Communication at the centre.