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Saturday 23 October 2010

Danish Medical Association calls for MRSA st398 action.

The continuing row about MRSA in livestock rumbles on in Denmark - a country were the pig is of enormous economic significance.
Unreported in English and missing in Britain or America, important events in Denmark go unremarked outside Denmark.
However, mechanical translations open a window on important developments there.
The situation on Danish farms is probably better then elsewhere, but the medical profession are increasingly alarmed by MRSA st398 in pigs.

21 October 2010
Lægeforeningen kræver handling mod MRSAMedical Association calls for action against MRSA
Der må straks gribes ind over for de resistente MRSA-bakterier, der i øjeblikket har smittet hvert 8. There must be immediate action against the resistant MRSA bacteria, which currently has infected every 8 svin, og som kan smitte mennesker. pigs and can infect humans. Det mener Lægeforeningen. It feels Medical Association.

Skrevet af: mbk Written by: MBK
- Jeg mener, man bør have en handleplan for, hvordan man får bekæmpet dels det stigende antibiotikaforbrug i landbruget og dels får sat ind over for de her svin, som er smittede med multiresistente bakterier, siger formand for lægeforeningen Mads Koch Hansen til DR Indland. -I think we should have an action plan for how to have fought and the growing use of antibiotics in agriculture and partly gets plotted against these pigs are infected with multidrug-resistant bacteria, says chairman of the Medical Association Mads Koch Hansen DR ice.

I dag er hvert 8. Today, every eighth svin i Danmark smittet med den modstandsdygtige bakterie MRSA CC 398. pigs in Denmark were infected with the resistant bacteria MRSA CC 398th
- Det er skræmmende tal at høre som læge, siger Mads Koch Hansen. - It's scary to hear the numbers of physicians, says Mads Koch Hansen.

Alligevel vil landbrugsminister Henrik Høegh afvente resultatet af et forskningsprojekt om MRSA i landbruget, der forventes at blive færdigt ved udgangen af 2011, før han vil gribe ind over for bakterien. Yet Agriculture Henrik Hoegh await the outcome of a research project on MRSA in agriculture, which is expected to be finished by the end of 2011, before he will intervene with the bacterium.

Det forstår Mads Koch Hansen ikke. It understands Mads Koch Hansen not.
- Han er en meget tålmodig mand. - He is a very patient man. Jeg mener simpelthen ikke, man kan vente til udgangen af 2011 med at begynde at handle på det her. I mean simply that you can wait until the end of 2011 to begin to act on this stuff. Jeg mener, man skal handle nu, siger han. I think we must act now, he says.