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Wednesday 23 July 2008, a Usenet newsgroup, is an invaluable resource detailing and recording Britain's animal health epidemics for almost a decade: a searchable blog before blogs were created.

Although it was created by accident, it's value is very real.

It is all there from Mad Cow (BSE) to Swine Fever (CSF) and Foot and Mouth (FMD) through to Avian Flu and Bovine TB.

The rows and scallywaggery, and a blow by blow account of paid lobbyists trying to misuse the Usenet is all recorded

...including the sinister hidden pig epidemic given many names: Circovirus, PMWS, PDNS and more.

The invasion of the hospitals by MRSA and C.Diff is charted and information about the true and suspected sources is given.

Much of the material has been removed from the WWW and is only available on

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